Vintage Photographs

Vintage Photos

Dee Davenport Howe

146 Bowdoin Street ~ Springfield, Massachusetts 01109 (413) -781-1505

Victorian Group shot of men women and children. Could be a hotel staff or a large family. Looks to be about mid 1890’s. Great shot. 8 1/2 x 9 1/2 not including the cardboard. with the cardboard 11×14. Excellent Condition.

cat# photo1 price $15.00


A great family photo from the early teens. looks like Mom, Dad and daughter sitting on the porch steps. 6X8 inches Excellent Condition.

cat# photo2 price $9.00



1920’s young woman, wearing a gorgeous flapper dress. 4 X 6 in a folder. Excellent Condition.

cat# photo3 price $10.00

1920’s young woman . With fur stole and wonderful hat. Post card style photo in an oval. 5 1/2 X 3 1/2 inches. Excellent Condition.

cat# photo4 price $9.00


Edwardian couple, beautiful lawn blouse and gibson hair style. 6 x 9. Excellent condition.

cat# photo5 price $9.00

1940’s Wedding couple, Beautiful satin wedding gown. The photo below is from the same wedding. That one has a date June 26 1943. 8X10 photo. Excellent Condition.

cat# photo 6 price $10.00


1943 Wedding photo with wedding party. Date on back is June 26th 1943. This photo has the same couple as the above photo. 8X10 Excellent Condition.

cat# photo7 price $10.00

Edwardian photo of a young girl maybe 12 years old showing off her new dress and shoes. Great picture. The mounting cardboard has some water stains on the bottom and part way up the sides. The photo is untouched. Photo is 5 X 7 , With the mounting it’s 8 X 10. Excellent Condition.

cat# photo 8 price $15.00


Edwardian Lady, 4 X 6 1/2. great outfit. Excellent Condition.

cat# photo 9 price $9.00

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